UK academic joins IPDGC this spring semester
By Yvonne Oh, IPDGC Program Coordinator
IPDGC welcomes Visiting Scholar Ben O’Loughlin from the University of London. Ben is a Professor of International Relations at Royal Holloway and the Director of the New Political Communication Unit. His academic expertise is in the field of international political communication.

His research looks at power and influence in international relations, and the role of communication and technology as the conditions through which power and influence operate. Ben has advised policymakers, including as Select Committee advisor on the UK Parliament’s committee on Soft Power, media organizations, and NGOs on how to act strategically in this environment.
In 2019-20 he was officially thinking about Democracy & Disinformation as Thinker in Residence at the Royal Academy, Brussels.
While at GW, Ben will be working on:
(i) climate disinformation and why people do it,
(ii) US-Taiwan-China strategic narratives, and
(iii) staging Iran’s international identity after 20 years of nuclear talks.
You are welcome to contact him if you would like to chat about any of these topics, or your own research area in general: or @ben_oloughlin