Here is the collection of photos from various events and activities organized by IPDGC.
Student Power!

Public Diplomacy Examined (PDx), is an interview-based easy-access podcast of interviews with U.S. foreign service officers (current and retired), foreign diplomats, public diplomacy professionals, academics and researchers, media practitioners, cultural exchange specialists, and many others – all who share their experiences and insights into the latest thinking and trends of public diplomacy and global communication.
No fancy production, no commercial add-ons or time wasters, just direct access to the perspectives of some of PD’s finest.
Our blog, Smart Power – a term coined by Harvard professor Dr. Joseph Nye about combining the strategies of both hard and soft power in international relations – features student contributions on topics in international affairs, global communication and public diplomacy. IPDGC also invites academics, practitioners and young professionals of public diplomacy to express their views and contribute to the greater discussion of public diplomacy as it relates to soft power, global issues, international politics, and policy.